GREVY'S ZEBRA (IMPERIAL ZEBRA) Equus grevyi MAMMAL Order Perissodactyla Description 6-9 ft long, tail 2 ft; 600-800 lbs. Narrow, black and white stripes curve upward on haunches; belly white. Mane prominent and erect. Long, narrow head and prominent, broad ears. Named for Jules Grevy, President of France, who was given a gift of these zebras by the King of Ethiopia. Range Ethiopia, Somalia and northern Kenya. Status This species is listed as threatened
and trade of this species is |
Life HistoryGestation 12.5-13 mo; single births usually coincide with new grass growth after rains. Young are usually produced every 2 yrs. Within an hour after birth, young are up and about; young nurse 8- 13 mo. Females leave mother after 2 yrs, males after 4 yrs. Special Adaptations